Methods A simple method for distinguishing of exponential distribution family is obtained based on factorization theorem. 方法在因子分解定理的基础上提出了一个判别指数型分布族的简单方法。
Over quaternionic field, the theorem about the linear factorization of λ-polynomials and theorem about the existence and uniqueness of the main normal form of an eigenmatrix are given. 给出四元数体上λ多项式的线性因式分解定理和四元数体上方阵的特征矩阵主法式的存在唯一性定理。
This paper has analysed several important zero subsets of the extended FT of finite length signal. With Hadamard factorization theorem, several theorem are developed to expose the relationship between these zero subsets and FT spectral magnitude or phase. 本文分析了有限时宽信号的延拓FT的若干重要零点子集,通过Hadamard分解定理,给出了零点子集与FT的幅谱、相谱间关系的若干定理。
According to factorization theorem, the Drell-Yan cross section can be expressed in terms of the same dipole cross section that appears in deep inelastic scattering. 依据因子化定理,高能碰撞Drell-Yan过程的微分截面可以用类似深度非弹性散射中的色偶极截面来表示。
The matrix factorization and equivalent transformation of periodic misaligned optical systems are studied by using the matrix method in optics and generalized Sylvester theorem. 使用矩阵光学方法和3×3Sylvester定理,研究了失调周期光学系统的变换矩阵的分解和等效问题。
By studying factorization of adjoint polynomials of the union consisting of these new graphs and some isolated vertices, we prove that structure theorem of the chromatically equivalent graphs of their complements. 我们通过研究这两类新图与一定数目的孤立点组成的并图的伴随多项式的因式分解,证明了上述并图的补图的色等价图的结构定理。